Tag: Sarah Palin (page 2)
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Viewing politicians through the lens of their physical attraction is not limited to women.
John Edwards got it far worse than Sarah Palin.
In November 2000, People magazine named John Edwards as its choice for the "sexiest politician alive." A sampling of news and blog post titles:
- 51 Thoughts on the Apparent Sexiness of John Edwards
- John Edwards, Sexy Beast?
Would his $400 haircut have made as many waves if he wasn't so attractive? Conservatives ragged him over his looks. A blogger at Michelle Malkin's site wrote, "Edwards, who essentially rose to prominence because of his pretty face and his bouncy hair, has now come full-circle on his Iraq position."
How about President Obama's shirtless picture that topped the news for days? ABC ran with "President Beefcake? D.C. magazine to feature shirtless Obama on cover". Other story leads: "Who would have guessed that President-elect Obama is ripped?" and from the NY Post, "Just call him "Ab"-bama. Buff-bodied President-elect Barack Obama put his chiseled frame on full display..."
Tina Brown today, on the Newsweek cover: [More..]
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Sarah Palin better have a back-up plan. A new Washington Post poll shows 60% of Americans say she's unqualified to be President.
[H]er favorability rating remains stuck well below what it was when she first emerged on the national scene at last year's Republican convention....if the goal is the White House, public opinion is now tilted against the idea: asked if they would consider voting for Palin in 2012, 53 percent say they would not.
A CNN poll shows similar numbers. (Added: Same for a new CBS poll.) I don't think she's serious about running for anything. She appears to be into making money -- and sales from her book are her main income right now. I just wish Levi would stop helping her. Today he's threatening a custody battle, which will only keep the family in the news. Sarah is not an Internet buzz.
And more Sarah book fallacies, this time on the timeline of when the McCain campaign knew about her daughter's pregnancy. [More...]
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Think Progress reports that Sarah Palin has weighed in on her Facebook page decrying the Obama Administration's decision to try the 9/11 suspects in federal court. She laments that criminal defense attorneys will use "technicalities" to try to get them off.
Criminal defense attorneys will now enter into delaying tactics and other methods in the hope of securing some kind of win for their “clients.” The trial will afford Mohammed the opportunity to grandstand and make use of his time in front of the world media to rally his disgusting terrorist cohorts.
...It is crucially important that Americans be made aware that the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks may walk away from this trial without receiving just punishment because of a “hung jury” or from any variety of court room technicalities. If we are stuck with this terrible Obama Administration decision, I, like most Americans, hope that Mohammed and his co-conspirators are convicted. Hang ‘em high.
So lawyers who protect constitutional rights are engaging in "courtroom technicalities." And there's no need to wait for a verdict, in Palin's view, she's ready to "hang 'em high." [More...]
(70 comments, 365 words in story) There's More :: Permalink :: Comments
Levi Johnston rips Sarah Palin in a new article he's written for Vanity Fair.
For “Me and Mrs. Palin,” Johnston tells Vanity Fair his story about life with the Palin family—with whom he lived for two months after the election—over the course of his two-and-a-half-year relationship with Bristol. He turns a number of commonly held beliefs about the former governor—the purportedly loving mother, devoted wife, and prolific hunter—upside down.
Levi starts out mild, but then heats up, particularly as to her post-election loss conduct: [More...]
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Ex-Gov. Sarah Palin doubles down on her false "death panel" claim. More at AP and CBS. Let's hope seniors are tuning her out.
Think Progress says Palin was for end-of-life counseling before she was against it.
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The AP factchecks Sarah Palin's claim that the proposed health care reform bill would create death panels by depriving seniors of life-sustaining treatment.
Palin's claim:
Federal bureaucrats would play God, ruling on whether ailing seniors are worth enough to society to deserve life-sustaining medical care. Palin and other critics are wrong.
So, it's not true. It's another Sarah Palin lie. Either she's not intelligent enough to understand the plain English of the bill or, like Supreme Court opinions, she hasn't read it....or she's just an opportunist out for headlines that will mobilize the right-wing. Take your pick. I'll choose all three.
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I'm really surprised to hear my local news say they will bring us Sarah Palin's exit speech live. Why? Who cares? What does it have to do with Colorado?
She's leaving office with no announced plans to continue in politics. Why does this deserve live coverage?
Bye-bye Sarah. I won't be watching your speech.
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The Washington Post and Associated Press report they have received an independent investigator's report into whether Sarah Palin violated ethics laws by seeking money from the Alaska Trust Fund to pay her legal bills:
The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the ''official'' legal defense fund.
Palin responds "''There is no final report. The Investigator is still confidentially reviewing this matter. " The investigator responds, "[H]is report was final. [More...]
(31 comments, 217 words in story) There's More :: Permalink :: Comments
Let's put the rumors to bed. The F.B.I. said today that soon to be former Governor Sarah Palin is not under investigation. No way. No how.
...[T]the FBI's Alaska spokesman said the bureau had no investigation into Palin for her activities as governor, as mayor or in any other capacity.
"There is absolutely no truth to those rumors, that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said in a phone interview Saturday. "It's just not true."
Gonzalez added that there was "no wiggle room" in his comments that could exclude any kind of probe.
That's good enough for me. What's left? Money or just a bone-headed political stunt that will forever brand her a quitter. Take your pick. [More...]
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Update 7/4/09: The FBI says there is no investigation of any kind involving Sarah Palin.
Original Post 7/3/09
Speculation is mounting on the internet that Sarah Palin is facing trouble over the source of the building materials for her Waslilla, Alaska home. If you remember, Todd was interviewed saying he built the house with his own hands and some buddies helped out with materials. [More...]
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Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is resigning. Reuters gives a few possible reasons. Since Palin has repeatedly said she's not a quitter, only this one makes sense to me:
She fears a looming political problem, perhaps even a scandal, and wanted out of the limelight, before the news broke.
Her statement does not allude to any problems. [More...]
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